Mariah Carey leaves her midtown hotel to perform her Merry Christmas One and All Concert at Madison Square Garden on December 17, 2023 in New York City, NY, USA. Photo by MM/ABACAPRESS.COM
Mariah Carey pose pour la campagne de lingerie Victoria's Secret Pictures must credit: Victoria’s Secret All I Want for Christmas hit maker Mariah Carey has been signed up by Victoria’s Secret for the company’s seasonal lingerie campaign. The 54-year-old star looks stunning in a couple of low-cut slips and a corset. She says over the ad:” Guess who ? It’s me Mariah obviously ! “I'm on my way to join Santa at the North Pole let's bring in the holidays together/ “It's Mariah season ! Happy holidays !” A spokesperson said: “Kick off the festivities with new arrivals , think cozy PJs, seasonal mists, and glamorous lingerie, featuring the one-and-only queen of the holidays.”
Mariah Carey a donné à l'animateur de talk-show américain Jimmy Kimmel un appel au réveil tôt le matin pour Noë Pictures must credit: ABC All I want for Christmas singer Mariah Carey gave US talk show host Jimmy Kimmel an early morning Yuletide wake-up call. The star, 54, reckons that from the start of November, it’s the holiday season based on her 1994 Christmas hit which has charted almost every year since. Kimmel’s wife Molly arranged for Carey and a crew, including one dressed as Santa, to creep to his bedside at just after 2am and shower the 55-year-old with fake snow while she sang a few bars of her classic. The sleepy-eyed Kimmel eventually got out of bed at his Los Angeles home and was presented with a Mariah Christmas T-shirt for his trouble. The next day she was the star guest on his show to talk about her pre-Christmas concert tour. Kimmel took the opportunity to talk about the early morning invasion of his home. He said:” I thought it was a dream it was really very confusing."
Mariah Carey pose pour la campagne de lingerie Victoria's Secret Pictures must credit: Victoria’s Secret All I Want for Christmas hit maker Mariah Carey has been signed up by Victoria’s Secret for the company’s seasonal lingerie campaign. The 54-year-old star looks stunning in a couple of low-cut slips and a corset. She says over the ad:” Guess who ? It’s me Mariah obviously ! “I'm on my way to join Santa at the North Pole let's bring in the holidays together/ “It's Mariah season ! Happy holidays !” A spokesperson said: “Kick off the festivities with new arrivals , think cozy PJs, seasonal mists, and glamorous lingerie, featuring the one-and-only queen of the holidays.”
Rihanna, cerință îndrăzneață pentru Mariah Carey: Pe ce parte a corpului a pus-o să-i dea un autograf. Video