epa06807790 Asian Football Confederation President, Sheikh Salman Bin Ibrahim Al-Khalifa (L), Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (2-L), FIFA president Gianni Infantino (2-R) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) attend the opening ceremony before the FIFA World Cup 2018 group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in Moscow, Russia, 14 June 2018.
(RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity - Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging - Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage - No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA-EFE/ALEXEI DRUZHININ / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT EDITORIAL USE ONLY
Reacțiile trioului Infantino-Putin-Prințul Salman în timpul meciului de deschidere de la Campionatul Mondial de fotbal Rusia 2018, Rusia - Arabia Saudită 5-0.
Președintele FIFA, Gianni Infantino, a stat între Vladimir Putin și Prințul Salman al Arabiei Saudite pe stadionul Lujniki, în timpul meciului de deschidere.
Cei trei au avut mai multe schimburi de gesturi, mai ales după goluri.
La început, totul părea lapte și miere.
epa06807851 Asian Football Confederation President, Sheikh Salman Bin Ibrahim Al-Khalifa (L), Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (2-L), FIFA president Gianni Infantino (2-R) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) attend the opening ceremony before the FIFA World Cup 2018 group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in Moscow, Russia, 14 June 2018.
La golul de 1-0, Putin și Salman și-au dat mâna peste Infantino, în semn că ”asta e!”.
. Reușita lui Djiuba, din minutul 71 (3-0), l-a făcut să se fâstâcească pe Infantino, care a părut că-și cere scuze în fata prințului din Arabia Saudita. Putin i-a transmis și el printr-o mișcare sugestivă a mâinilor că nu-și poate opri jucătorii, care sunt evident mai buni decat saudiții.
La golul de 5-0 al gazdelor, șeciul saudit privea deja în gol și părea fără aer.
epa06807791 Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman (L), FIFA president Gianni Infantino (2-L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (3-L) attend the opening ceremony before the FIFA World Cup 2018 group A preliminary round soccer match between Russia and Saudi Arabia in Moscow, Russia, 14 June 2018. (RESTRICTIONS APPLY: Editorial Use Only, not used in association with any commercial entity – Images must not be used in any form of alert service or push service of any kind including via mobile alert services, downloads to mobile devices or MMS messaging – Images must appear as still images and must not emulate match action video footage – No alteration is made to, and no text or image is superimposed over, any published image which: (a) intentionally obscures or removes a sponsor identification image; or (b) adds or overlays the commercial identification of any third party which is not officially associated with the FIFA World Cup) EPA-EFE/ALEXEI DRUZHININ / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN POOL MANDATORY CREDIT EDITORIAL USE ONLY
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